Ten on Tuesday

a forum friend had posted this idea that we list 10 of something oh Tuesdays. I had THE WORST day ever at work that i have ever had BUT i am going to take this opportunity to list 10 things that i love and am appreciative of in no particular order
1. that i have the ability to walk and run. my life is so very full because i am able and i do do both
2. i am grateful that i have had all those in my life, good and bad, as if it weren't for them i would be who i am today
3. i am glad i recognize just how wonderful i am. others may not always appreciate me but i need to remember to appreciate myself because that is what counts the most
4. that i had my a.ha moment when i did cause if not for that moment then i wouldn't have been aware enough to have my heart and eyes opened to when my wonderful wife appeared.
5. my parents and how lucky i was that i had a stay at home mom and a dad who taught me such good work ethics. if not for that then i don't believe that i would have had the ability to raise my son to be the wonderful person that he is.6. that i have a good job though somedays, like today, i wonder if it is something that i need to be doing the rest of my life BUT regardless i do have a job therefore i have the money to do what i want, within limits of course.
7. my gardens and all that is involved with them even the stupid bugs but we need them, apparently to feed the birds and bats who are needed to feed the wild cats and what else eats birds and bats??? anyway you know what i mean
8. of all those who chose to give of their time and money when able to help out others.. these are very important people and we should never take them for granted
9. being diagnosed with celiac. it has been a journey but i am so much better because of it. i want a long and healthy life
10. and my discovery of scrapbooking. it is one of the best stress relievers i have ever experienced. it comes from the beautiful lines of paper, the wonderful excuse to get dirty and love it, the ability to bring back memories and smells and has introduced me to a wonderful new set of friends(the layout above of my parents with the hearts is a direct lift from one of the ladies on our forum.. annik..thank you). and it has allowed me to show off each moment in my sons life and let's him know just how lucky and proud i feel to have him as my son.


  1. What a great entry and on a bad day at work! This must have taken some time to think about and way to go you for pushing those negative thoughts out and replacing them with positive ones. Great entry!


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